Monday, August 22, 2016

It's Like The Saddest Party Horn Ever

Oh good…now the door squeaks

That happens with doors from time to time.  Which door are you talking about?  

The stupid door right outside my office.

So, I've probably mentioned once or twice here before that I recently moved offices to what is most likely the worst possible location in my building.  It's adjacent to a highly-traveled hall, near a door to the rest of the building, and near a suite of conference rooms that have meetings all hours of the day, and those meetings spill out into hallway meetings in the lounge-type area on the other side of my anything-but-soundproof cubicle wall. 

Basically, my office is a non-stop cacophony of coworkers.  Walking, talking, meeting, laughing, calling to each other, and coming in and out of the door.  How could this get worse?

Simple!  Have the door start squeaking. 

Now, every time somebody opens the door to the rest of the building (which is just about non-stop every day), the door follows with a slow, whiny squeaking noise before it closes.  I don't happen to have a bottle of WD40 in my office, but I'm seriously thinking that I need to invest in one very soon.  Because along with everything else that makes constant distracting noise near my office, I don't need the door adding to the incessant din.  I can potentially fix one of the things around here. 

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