Friday, June 10, 2016

Didn't Want To Waste It

Pro Tip: Never sneeze with a mouth full of mouthwash  

On a completely unrelated note, Jeremy gets to paint his bathroom now.  

Well, no...but I can at least fill everybody in on this helpful Pro Tip.   

So, you see all those commercials on TV about people who "suffer from seasonal allergies."  Well, one of those people is me.  This time of year is at least fairly miserable from that point of view, even though it's delightful for other reasons (mostly the lack of snow).  Anyway, when the grass starts to grow, and the dust gets kicked up in the air, and the pollen really starts....uhmm...pollening, my life becomes all about sneezing, itchy eyes, and generic Loratadine pills.  (At least partially because the brand name maker of Loratadine isn't a sponsor...hint hint)

I'm also one of those  people that brushes my teeth from time to time.  

When I do, I usually cap off the experience with a mildly vigorous swish of mouthwash...also the generic version of a popular brand who is not a sponsor.  Up until now, it's somehow never been an issue what happens when these two aspects of my life get combined.  Well, that all changed recently.

So, there I am in my bathroom, taking my standard swig of mouthwash and going about my standard mouth washing routine when I feel that little tickle in my nose that tells me that a sneeze in imminent.  You know the thing I'm talking about.  Well, there was really nothing to be done at this point, but try to swish more vigorously than usual and hope to get that all wrapped up before the sneeze clock runs out. was not to be.  

So, there I am with a mouth full of knock-off Listerine, trying to stave off a sneeze through every means at my disposal, holding a finger under my nose, squeezing my eyes shut, the sheer force of will.  The irresistible force was not to be denied, however, so, thinking about as quickly as I can that early in the morning, I lowered my face to the sink just as the sneeze violently expelled the minty goodness from my mouth...and nose.  

The bad news, of course, was that menthol and alcohol were ubiquitous in my head now as I stood over the sink choking and gasping.  The good news is that the whole world smelled minty fresh! 

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