Thursday, April 28, 2016

Why Am I Not A Millionaire?

My Next Great Idea:  A hipster restaurant where chefs prepare all foods ironically in microwaves  

Hipsters love ironic things!  The restaurant can serve PBR, black coffee, and cheap bourbon, too! 

So, for those of you uninitiated to the world of hipsters, Glove And Boots has a pretty thorough introduction which will help you understand what's going on here.  

What's important to note here is the irony.  Hipsters love doing things ironically.  You do things you really don't like because nobody does them, listen to music you don't really like because nobody else knows about it, eat and drink things that aren't really good because nobody else wants to.  So let's focus on food!  

Sure, you can go with the standard food truck offerings, or artisinal pickles, or anything served in a mason jar, but why limit yourself?  I'm sure there are fully trained master chefs out there who have used a microwave before.  

Certainly, no Michelin Star quality chef would ever prepare their food in a microwave.  They have techniques and standards and dignity which probably prevent them from using anything so low brow as a microwave.  Microwaves are for gas station burritos, not haute cuisine.  Or are they?  

My Next Great Idea is to open a thoroughly ironic restaurant in which gourmet foods are meticulously prepared by culinary-trained chefs entirely in microwave ovens.  The working name is "Nuque."  It'll be a huge hit! 

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