Monday, April 18, 2016

Everybody Sing!

I have a hammer.  Is that whole hammering in the morning thing mandatory?  

I try to limit my hammering to mid afternoon, usually.  I don't keep it to a very set schedule.  It seems like the timing of hammering is really up to the person with the hammer.  

Today's Sametime Status, of course, is a reference to Pete Seeger's 1949 progressive protest song "The Hammer Song," more commonly known as "If I Had A Hammer."  For those who are unfamiliar, the first line of the song states that "If I had a hammer, I'd hammer in the morning."  In a remarkable bit of trivia I learned about 3 minutes ago while researching when this song was written, I learned that it was originally released on the Record Label "Hootenanny Records."  

That's amazing!  

So anyway, not long ago, I had the occasion to use a hammer.  It's a relatively rare and special gift for me, since most of my hammering is done on computer keyboards.  But, I had to use a hammer, and it was slightly after noon at the time.  This made me sad because I've been told through song that hammering should be done in the mornings.  I had missed my opportunity.  

So that led me to think about just how strictly this "hammer in the morning" rule must be adhered to.  Maybe it's more of a guideline than a rule?  It would still be morning in the central time zone, so maybe my only issue was being off by a few hundred miles in my hammering.  That may or may not make it better, since it would solve my timing conundrum, but the location of the nails that needed hammering was pretty fixed, and missing that location by hundreds of miles would be pretty egregiously bad, even for a remarkably amateur carpenter such as myself.  Hitting the board next to the nail is about as bad as I get, and even then, I like to think my on-target hitting percentage is somewhere north of 50%.  I didn't keep stats.  

So, I was left with my hammer and nails, needing to complete the hammering process regardless of the timing.  I just hope nobody noticed that I was hammering at the wrong time and though, "wow...that Jeremy jerk has got it all wrong." 

That would be bad. 

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