Monday, April 4, 2016

My Fault. I Took Off My Snow Tires

This is nonsense.  I don’t even like winter when it’s supposed to be winter  

Speak for yourself.  I'm down in Florida where it's warm and sunny.  

As if we needed any more proof that you're completely imaginary.

That's the beauty of it.  I can live wherever you want.  

So, for those unawares, there's like this massive storm all up in the Greater Jeremy area which has pretty much made people forget about the fact that's it's now officially spring.  Here's a look out the window:

That was taken this morning.  April 4th.  The file name is Bull.jpg.  It's actually worse now, as it has not stopped snowing all day.  All of the nearby schools are closed.  I'm cranky because it's finally winter, and I hate winter, and winter is so much worse when it's actually spring. 
This is crap. 

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