Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Added Bonus...No Lines!

Yay!  We don’t have to hear about the election anymore!  Wait, what?  

At long last!  The day we've all been waiting for is merely 202 days away!  

So, as most of you probably know, the primary elections were held here in the Greater Jeremy Area yesterday, after a long and annoying campaign before the actual campaign starts.  Yoi.  

At this point in election season, we've at least whittled the previously giant list of people nobody liked to a small handful of people that nobody likes.  Let's review the list shall know....for the benefit of people who still haven't voted before voting.

In the left corner, you have the Heir Apparent who is a remarkably adept lawyer able to stretch every last truth to its very breaking point, and The Cranky Guy whose sole reason for running is a giant governmental overreach into the private sector which we don't need, nobody really wants, but sounds really good in commercials, even though he has no earthly clue how he would do it.  

In the right corner, we're down to the guy who wants to spend an awful lot of money on a building project which will do roughly nothing to solve the problem he claims exists and cause in-numerous other problems, the guy nobody in his own party likes, but they all say he's the lesser of two remaining evils so they hold their nose and tolerate him, and the only guy in the entire race who's spoken a word of sense, so nobody pays attention to him and even fewer people vote for him.  

Fortunately for me, I was not eligible to vote in yesterday's election, so I didn't have to vote "for" any of these people.  But, I will be voting in 202 days, so I'll leave you with this piece of advice.  When writing in a candidate, don't write in Mickey Mouse.  There's nothing wrong with Mickey's platform per se, but if you're going to be filing a "None Of The Above" protest vote, you cause a lot more problems if you write in the name of a real person.  Votes for Mickey Mouse can immediately be thrown out, so make sure you force somebody at the polling station to do some work.  Write in a real name, and make your protest count! 

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