Monday, August 5, 2013

Theme Week, Day One

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents
Rejected Vacation Theme Week Ideas Week!  Day 1:  Top 5 Places Out Of Which to Clean Sand 

Wow, Jeremy.  You come back from vacation and dive right back into this Sametime Status thing with a Theme Week.  Exciting!   

Well, I haven't had a Theme Week in a little while, and they're usually a hit, so I felt I owed it to the loyal readers.  So all this week, I'm bringing you the Top 5 ideas I rejected while coming up with a theme for this week.    

Though you seem to have started it out a little blue.   

Which is precisely why I couldn't make it a Theme Week.  See, the original idea was innocent enough.  Spending a week on a beach involves a lot of preparation and paraphernalia.  Personally, I had all kinds of stuff like swim suits, a chair, a folding table, an umbrella, a duffel bag, a book (more on that later), a phone, a camera, sandals, a water bottle, a cooler and so on and so forth.  That's a lot of junk.  Now, all of it contains an entire week's worth of sand.  While the bulk of it has been shaken clear of the majority of its sand, I'm certain to be finding remnants of the beach for weeks to come.  In the case of the duffel bag, there is a reasonable chance that should I return to the beach next year, it will still contain some of the sand from this year.  It's just how it goes.  

So while I thought a Theme Week of my trials and tribulations trying to clean off all of my beach-going gear might be a fun and silly idea, I also quickly realized just how poorly the idea can be communicated in type.  No, I was not referring to orifices out of which I'll be washing sand over my next week of showers...that's just disturbing...yet, I can see how most readers' minds would go that direction upon reading the Theme Week title.  Therefore, as excited as I know you all are to hear about me doing laundry and vacuuming sand out of my duffel bag, you won't get to, since this potentially wayward idea for a Theme Week has been scrapped. 

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