Thursday, August 8, 2013

Theme Week, Day Four

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents 
Rejected Vacation Theme Week Ideas Week!  Day 4:  Top 5 Healthiest Vacation Meals

Well now this is good, Jeremy.  Finally putting this website to good use, educating people about making good health decisions, even while vacationing. 

Well, that's what you would have been saying had this not been a rejected Theme Week theme. 

Oh yeah...forgot that these ideas all got wasted in that sun-drenched head of yours.

So, I thought it would be a good idea to inform the public about healthy meal options you can enjoy while on vacation through personal anecdotes about healthy meals I got to enjoy while on vacation.  It seemed like it would be a responsible thing to do, given my internet-based popularity.  

Well, the trouble with this would be that the number of healthy meals I ate while on vacation was somewhere in the 0-4 range (I won't say where, exactly), so generating a full 5-day Theme Week for the topic wouldn't quite be possible.  In between 3 gallons of ice cream, two dozen donuts, steaks wrapped in bacon, multiple batches of cookies, pizzas, and roughly a dozen bags of Doritos, there wasn't much room for healthy eating.  There was a cantaloup and a watermelon involved, though...those are okay, right?  

Anyway, it looks like I won't be able to share this Theme Week idea with you this time.  I'll try to keep it in mind for my next vacation (which is coming a little sooner than expected...more on that later).  So unfortunately, it looks like another great plan for a Theme Week heads for the scrapheap. 

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