Thursday, November 12, 2009

I don't need this in the morning

What’s the word for being better at the gym than somebody?

"In Better Shape"?

Nah...that's not quite what I'm going for here. You can have people who are in pretty good shape who absolutely suck at the gym. Conversely, some of the most out of shape people are the ones who are the best at gymming. What I'm really trying to say here is...gym people suck.

Wow...actually didn't see a rant coming here. Twist ending Blag!

I'd specifically like to call out "that guy" who goes to the same gym I do. I have no idea who he is, what he does, or if he's even a good guy. All I know is, he sucks at the gym, and I totally kick his butt at it. Near as I can tell, the main part of his workout at the gym is sitting in the locker room telling people what he's going to do for his bizarrely descriptive detail. He'll sit there and say, "Yeah...I'm gonna go run 6 miles" or "I'm going to go do 100 situps now...yeah...100 situps." to whoever he thinks is paying attention.

I'm not going to sit here and doubt his ability to run 6 miles or do 100 situps, or claim that I'm better than him at these things or in better shape than he is. I can't run 6 miles...I'll be perfectly honest about that. I can do 100 situps, but there are things I find more important at the gym. What I am going to doubt is if he ever does any of these things. I've never seen it. I've never seen this guy do anything more than walking at a mildly brisk pace on a treadmill. No situps, no weights, no machines, no running, no cycling, no elliptical thing...just treadmill walking.

I'm totally better than that.

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