Thursday, November 12, 2015

It Means "Fear"

That article made me think Phobos was going to crash much sooner.  Disappointing, really

 The Greek God?  I don't know if he's still around all that much, really.

I refer, of course, to the moon orbiting Mars.  

I saw a headline not long ago that said, and I quote, "Mars' Moon Phobos Could Be Headed For Destruction."  Needless to say, this intrigued me.

What intrigues me is Your Source For This Article.  What are you doing reading Fox News anyway?  Leave alone an article on Fox News about science.  Geeze.   

Well...those perfectly valid questions notwithstanding...the headline was exciting!  I clicked on it to find out just when this natural satellite would meet its untimely demise, and if we'd be able to see it from earth, like on a live stream or something.  I mean, come on!  The destruction that would cause would be solar-system changing and certainly a once-in-a-lifetime experience.  So, when is this planet-scale obliteration scheduled to take place?  

Somewhere around 30 million years from now. 
So, suffice to say, I won't be staying up for that live stream I was talking about.

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