Monday, December 8, 2014

Where O Where Has My Little Pan Gone?

Okay seriously.  How do you lose a frying pan?  

Well, when you love something, let it go...and all that.  

My apparently bizarrely personal feelings regarding a frying pan notwithstanding, that's hardly the point here.  

If you yell its name really loudly, maybe it will come back!  It's just scared, that's all.

Okay, you're not being helpful.

Not trying.  

So today's Sametime Status is brought to you by the fact that I lost a freaking frying pan.  I don't know how I lost a frying pan.  All I know is that I can't find it.  

It's not my favorite frying pan, but it's a very useful one in my arsenal.  It's quite small, and the perfect size for making egg sandwiches.  I use it pretty much any time I'm doing that...and that's actually about it, really.  But that doesn't make it any less important.  Egg sandwiches aren't just going to make themselves, you know.  

The thing that bothers me here is that I have no idea how one goes about losing a frying pan.  I mean...there are a total of three places that it goes in its lifetime.  It sits in a cupboard until it's time to put it on the stove.  Once you're done cooking with it, it goes in the sink.  Then, after washing, it goes back in the cupboard (or, let's be probably goes back on the stove to air dry since I don't feel like putting that much effort into this whole "washing dishes" thing).  So recently, when it came time to make an egg sandwich, I searched the stove top ever so briefly for my egg sandwich pan, and went immediately to the cupboard.  The pan wasn't in there.  I was hopelessly confused for at least a couple minutes, owing to both the fact that it's generally difficult to lose a frying pan, and that it was early in the morning, so just about anything out of the ordinary will confuse me.  I had to use a larger frying pan to make my egg sandwich, and the egg turned out to be too big and thin, so flipping was more of a challenge than I had wanted to deal with.  

Breakfast eventually prevailed, but I've been on the lookout for my missing frying pan ever since.  It's been thus far a fruitless search which is annoying. do you lose a frying pan? 

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