Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I'm Delightful

The person driving down the road waved back when I was cleaning my front window 

That was very nice.  You made that poor misguided chump's day. 

Recently, in my ever continuing and ever fruitless quest to Clean All The Things, I decided it was high time that I could see through my front window.  Perfect timing, really, now that it's fall, and I'll get to look at nothing but sticks and dirty snow for six months.  So, I grabbed by bottle of window cleaner and my roll of paper towels and I set forth. 

I'm really trying to make this part of the story more interesting than it really is.  I mean...come on...I cleaned the inside of a freakin' window for crying in the sink. 

As you can imagine, cleaning a window involves some back and forthy action with the paper towel over the surface of the window.  To some random stranger who happened to be driving by and bizarrely looking at the houses instead of the road, it might look like a person was standing just inside the window looking out and waving at them. 

Such was the case.

This person who was driving along waved right back at me as I cleaned my window.  I have no earthly clue who that person was or why they decided I was waving at them.  But, on the surface, it really doesn't matter all that much.  My new friend felt that the world was a little nicer of a place for a couple seconds.  All because of me.  You're welcome, random driver guy.  You're welcome. 

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