Friday, December 13, 2013

Today's Blag Brought To You By The Number 4

Earlier today, I broke a mirror underneath a ladder while ignoring a chain letter email.  Should be okay, right?  

So, hello to all of you triskaidekaphobics out there, and welcome to Friday the 13th!  Jeremy's been spending his whole day killing albatrosses by spilling salt on them while they're under an umbrella.  It's not looking too good for him right now.

Today, we celebrate superstitions!  There are apparently quite a few of them out there that cause bad luck, and I'm not quite sure how many I can check off my list today, but since it's Friday the 13th, I figure it's as good a time as any.  I still have plenty of time to kill a spider in the house and whistle once it gets dark outside. 

All in all, I've learned a couple things today.  There are a number of places you can't hold your breath or are supposed to hold your breath, depending, upside-down horseshoes are a no-no, as are 50-dollar bills and certain arrangements of shoes (be it under the bed or on top of the table).  It's just too much to keep track of. 

On the other hand, most of these luck-based superstitions are pretty easy.  in addition to salt, it's bad luck to spill pomegranate seeds.  I don't have pomegranate seeds very often, so I'm probably in good shape here.  Peeing in cemeteries is frowned upon.  I seriously doubt I'll ever have a problem with that, or not being allowed to shoot a black rabbit.  So, I guess it all depends on how much bad luck the more unavoidable things give me as to how much bad luck I'm going to have.  These things aren't very well quantified (aside from the 7 years thing for the mirror), and I really can't imagine that all things provide equal amounts of bad luck.  Somebody should do a study and publish a chart or something....

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