Friday, July 13, 2012

There Are Mega Stores, I Guess

Grocery stores have been stuck on “Super” for a while now.  They need to move on to “X-Trememarket”

 I would totally shop at a place called "X-Trememarket!"  

The problem with innovation and progress is Marketing.  

Oh yeah...THAT's the problem...

We like to use adjectives to describe stuff to convince people that it's better than some other stuff, but we never seem to leave room for growth afterwards.  We're too quick to get to the extremities of description.   

Things get labelled "Greatest" or "Best" or "Extreme" all the time, with reckless disregard for what will happen when something better inevitably comes along.  

Wait, what kind of phone do you have again?

That's beside the point.  

What's important to know is that this little oversight doesn't seem to happen in the realm of groceries.  Why?  I have no idea, but the term "Supermarket" has been around since "King Kullen" opened in Queens in 1930.  I dare say that grocery stores have come a long way since 1930.  The sheer breadth of products available to be sold in a single place has grown by a factor of 83 times since then.   So why haven't we moved on from the arcane "Supermarket" to something that more accurately resembles the extraordinary shopping opportunity afforded us by today's grocery stores?   

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