Thursday, July 19, 2012

Theme Week, Part IV

Jeremy’s Sametime Status Proudly Presents:  Little-Known Batman Facts Week!  Burt Ward used the phrase “Holy ____, Batman” 356 times in the Batman TV show’s 120 episodes

Holy overused catch phrase, Jeremy!

Quite right.  If there was one thing the original Batman TV show was known for it was the full-screen onomatopoeia used to censor some of the more violent parts of fight scenes.  You the parts where people would actually get punched.  At the moment of impact, the screen would cut away to a colorful background with a word like "BIFF" or "POW" or "ZAMM" instead.  If you'd like a complete listing of the onomatopoeia used, The Internets Have Your Back.

If there was a second thing the show was known for, it was the fact that Robin, as played by Burt Ward, would come through with one or more of his classic "Holy (Fill In The Blank), Batman!" lines once a key piece of the plot was unraveled by the Caped Crusader.  Some of my personal favorites are as follows:

  • Priceless collection of Etruscan snoods 
  • Interplanetary yard stick 
  • Astringent plum-like fruit 
  • Journey to the center of the earth 
  • Contributing to the delinquency of minors

That last one's a little wrong given some of the rumors about Bruce Wayne's association with Dick Grayson...but this is a family blag, so we won't get into that here. 

The total number of these lines used over the show's 120 episode run was an astonishing 356.  Fortunately for you, The Internets Keep Tabs On This As Well

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