Tuesday, July 24, 2012

The Sound When He Gets Run Over Is Hilarious

I never understood why Frogger couldn’t swim

 Because he's a video game, and gaming consoles are notoriously bad with water?

Aside from that, of course.  For those who are unawares, Frogger is a video game that was released in 1981 by Konami.  The idea was to get a frog to cross a road without being run over by cars, then jump across a series of turtles and logs to navigate a river before settling into one of a number of little frog huts on the far side of the water.  

Here's Frogger In Action!

Here's a Fun Fact!  In the Jeremy household growing up, an alternate game objective would be to run into traffic and attempt to lose all of your lives before the opening theme song finished.  It's strangely difficult. 

Anyway, there are a number of ways to lose lives in this game.  You can get run over by any of the cars in the highway, you can be eaten by the snake the crosses the divider and the large log, you can travel off the screen, you can be eaten by the alligator masquerading as a log at the top, you can miss the entrance of the home, or you can fall into the water, either by jumping in, or standing atop a turtle that dives below the surface. 

Let's assume that both snakes and alligators eat frogs.  We can also safely assume that highway traffic can total a frog.  (Though we can question what road would have both open-wheeled race cars and what appear to be bulldozers traveling at the same time, and in lanes with alternating traffic directions, but that's getting all nit-picky)  What bugs me is that, as is evidenced at the 2:00 mark of the above video, simply landing poor Frogger in the water ends his life.  Frogs are amphibians, which means they can thrive in both land and water-based environments.  Sure, adult frogs have lungs and need to breathe air, but they grow up in the water and live their entire lives around it.  Frogs, in fact are quite adept at swimming as shown in This Video, entitled "Frog Swimming In A Pool."  For Pete's sake (whoever Pete is), the leg kick used in the breaststroke is called "The Frog Kick." 

As sad as it is for me to do this, I am forced to Call Bunk on Frogger for spreading the myth that frogs die the instant they hit the water. 

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