Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Haven't Seen Kyle Yet, Either

You know, App…it’s not MY fault you can’t download your updates properly

Awfully angry about an app, aren't you?  

I was okay with it, but the app got all indignant with me.  I had to let it know what's what.

You tell it, Jeremy.  Go, you. 

So, I have some apps on my various computing devices.  One of them, for strictly Blag purposes, let's call a "Connection Point X."  I have some useful apps on there, and some that are a Little Less Useful, and I have a handful of games that I play on occasion.  

One of them deals with the cartoon movie "Despicable Me," which earned a sufficient number of stars as a rating in Jeremy Is In The Theatre, so if you haven't seen it, you should rest assured that it's acceptable.  Anyway, the game is a variation on Temple Run where one of the little yellow Minions runs around collecting bananas and beating up bad guys.  It's a silly sort of time wasting nonsensical fun.  Well, they came out with an update to it fairly recently, and it had me all excited.  See, one of the new features was the release of a new level to run around in.  That level is based on Super Silly Funland, so I was all set to run around and ride roller coasters and collect fluffy unicorns.  

That is until the app wouldn't download the update.  

Like a jerk, the app started updating, and got about 60% of the way through downloading and just stopped.  The download was frozen for about 5 minutes when I decided to cancel it and try again.  The app got all offended and threw up an angry confirmation message along the lines of "Are you SURE you want to cancel the download and quit the app, you idiot?"  It was something like that.

My reaction was anger...because YES, I wanted to cancel, but not because of anything I did wrong.  The app (more specifically the app's update server which was probably under high load due to lots and lots of people wanting to run through Super Silly Funland), just quit downloading and there was little I could do about it.  So, no...I guess I didn't really want to exit, but I didn't have much choice either...and it was all your fault, app, so quit making me out to be the bad guy.  Jerk. 

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