Friday, February 7, 2014

As Some Point, Donald Trump Gets Involved

Hopefully, congress doesn’t have to vote on my tax refund

Can I vote Nay?  

As long as you understand that my not getting my tax refund will involve cuts to staff, including imaginary alter-personas.  

Yeah, like you pay me anyway. 

So it's that time of year again!  Tax season!  How very exciting.  Compiling a barrage of paperwork to figure out just how much of my money the government gets to keep.  Sure, I know that the government provides a ludicrous number of services in exchange for that money, and it seems like a lot when it's staring at you from a tax form, but all things considered, it's not so bad of a value.   

But it's still boring.

So I sat there for a couple hours doing my taxes and figured out just how much Uncle Sam and his state counterpart (whoever that may be) owe me.  Yes, I get a refund.  No, I can't change my exemptions any more to minimize that.  That's part of why I do my taxes I'm not loaning the government money at 0% interest any longer than I absolutely have to.

Which brings me to my main joke.  I sincerely hope that congress doesn't have to vote on whether or not to pay out tax refunds.  First of all, it would get buried in committee for a couple months before a heavily modified version of the bill with several billion dollars worth of special interest projects for Wyoming tacked on ever made it to the floor of the house.  Then, it gets debated as to just how much my tax refund is going to hurt American jobs and how environmentally irresponsible is was of me to use electricity to complete my tax forms, and why should I get a tax refund when other people don't even pay federal income taxes.  

Should it ever get passed there, it moves on to the Senate where my tax refund gets hung up by people opposed to the Wyoming riders added to the bill, and there's more debate about how those riders are going to hurt American jobs and how irresponsible it was for the House to add all that special interest money to a measly tax refund bill, which is now known as the "Enhancement of Heritage Happiness Act," or, Ehh. 

One full Sunday News Talk Show Cycle later, a modified version of the bill without the Wyoming parts gets voted on, approved without a single minority vote and returned to the House.  There, it gets pushed back to committee, since the House can not approve a bill like this without Wyoming being included.  The bill dies in the House, and I don't get my tax refund.

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