Thursday, October 30, 2014

Also, The Most I've Written About It

Had the longest conversation of my life about pudding yesterday.  

Did it really have that much competition?

Well, that's exactly it.  Nobody talks about pudding.  


Nobody's really even all that concerned about pudding, for the most part.  It generally presents itself in one of two forms.  Either you find it wedged into the dessert section of a crappy buffet, or you stuff one of those little plastic cups into your lunch.  That's about it.  

So, imagine my surprise when I learn that a moderately fancy restaurant near my house that I've actually been to has pudding on the dessert menu.  And not like pudding pie, with a crust and whipped cream and cookies and stuff all over it.  Just pudding with crumbled up graham crackers.  And they charge 6 dollars for it!  Do you have any idea how many boxes of pudding you can buy in a grocery store for 6 dollars?  No, you don't.  Nobody does, because nobody cares!  You only buy pudding when a recipe calls for it, and at that point, you just throw a box in the cart and don't worry about the price.  It's probably not much. 

This is basically how the aforementioned conversation started.  It devolved from there, as conversations with me tend to do.  Somewhere in the middle, I thought to myself, "this is easily the longest I've ever talked about pudding...also...pudding is a weird word."  It obviously lent itself to great Sametime Status material.  Incidentally, it also led to the inaugural pudding-off, in which we're going to sample different recipes of pudding to see if there's actually some sort of difference between home-made pudding and the stuff you buy in the box.  The fact that we're almost excited about this is troubling. 

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