Poor Jeff.
Yeah...first, he has to make a spreadsheet with owners and target dates, now he's in a meeting to learn how to have meetings. I'd like to guess some of the meeting guidelines that were suggested in the roll-out meeting.
- Be On Time
- End 5 Minutes Early
- Create an agenda and have a timekeeper to stick to it
- Bring a Problem, Bring a Solution
- No Side Conversations
- Turn off Cell phones and pagers
How'd I do?
You're asking me?
Alright...so what else is good today?
Well, Tuesday was a big day! My Alma Mater, Rochester Institute of Technology, was selected as one of Campus Squeeze's 20 Ugliest Colleges in the USA! Woohoo! We beat out such prestigious universities as Rutgers and Texas A+M, but falling in at #16 wasn't good enough to take down perennial favourites NC State, Carnegie Mellon, or #1 Drexel.
What's most impressive about RIT making the list is that they only show a picture of the back of one of the dorms. They didn't even include a photo of the 6-story absurdity known as "The Sentinel" which is prominently located right in the front of campus.

Art is very subjective.
I'd like to subject that art back to the landfill it came from.
Yeah, your rules are spot on. The HR lady was literally just reading straight out of a "Meetings For Dummies"-style book.
So at my first meetings-template compliant meeting, my boss was 5 minutes late. I marked it on the template, because there's a spot for attendance and things like that. I was just following the rules. Needless to say we haven't used a meeting template since.
Mostly I love working in a small company, but it just goes to show you, some bullcrap is simply universal.
You want bad art.
Dear god, he's made more of them.
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